Educational Farm Manager
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MSAD #1 Educational Farm

Welcome to the MSAD#1 Educational Farm. We are located on 38 acres at 340 State Street in Presque Isle, Maine. We produce a variety of fresh fruits, vegetables, apple cider, and natural honey. Our products are available at local grocery stores and restaurants, and also at our Farm Store, which is open from 9:00 AM – 5:00 PM Monday through Friday and from 9:00 AM – 1:00 PM on Saturday during the growing season. We hope you’ll stop by to see us!
The Educational Farm opened in 1991 on 38 acres of farmland owned by MSAD#1. Originally the School Farm had seven students employed and has grown to employ approximately forty students. Produce from the School Farm is made available to the public through the School Farm Store, local grocery stores, non-profit organizations, and restaurants. MSAD#1’s school lunch program uses the fresh fruits, vegetables, and apple cider produced on the farm in their school lunch program. Revenue generated by the School Farm is invested back into the program and its students. This is an example of a true “learning lab” for MSAD#1 students.
Thank you to all of our supporters and local businesses. Your support is greatly appreciated.

John Hoffses

Kristi Kingsbury
Cider & Orchard Supervisor
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