About Us
Welcome to Pine Street Elementary School. We believe that learning is a lifelong process; it is a journey. Each student progresses through their journey at different paces. The staff at Pine Street is committed to providing the best possible educational experience for each student. I invite you to browse our website, volunteer at our school, and feel free to contact us at any time. We are proud of the great things happening at Pine Street Elementary School. We hope that you can share in this exciting educational journey and partnership with us to support our students as learners. Together we can help every child succeed.
William Guerrette
Pine Street Elementary is located in the northern rural town of Presque Isle, near the Canadian border. We have over forty professionals, including twenty four full time teachers, serving the educational needs of 348 students, grades pre-k through two. Pine Street is one of three elementary schools in School Administrative District No. 1.
The Staff at Pine Street believes that each child is important. We try to create a safe, comfortable environment where children feel they belong and where academic, social, and emotional needs can be addressed. Pine Street School utilizes the help of many committed parent volunteers who are in our classrooms and library on a daily basis. We enjoy a strong partnership with our parents and our community that is reflected in a warm, friendly environment at Pine. We work in every way to make our school the best it can be.